In Monmouthshire there are a range of services available to help people with a sensory impairment keep as much independence and control over their lives as possible. Here we tell you about these services and how to find out more about them.
Sensory impairment is the term used to cover people who are:
- Blind/Visually Impaired
- Deaf/Hearing Impaired
- Dual Sensory Impaired (Deaf and Blind)
Contact could be made by telephoning the numbers below:
- Monmouth/Usk/Raglan – 01600773041
- Abergavenny – 01873 735885
- Chepstow/Caldicot – 01291 635666
How we could help you?
We can give you, your family and carers advice, support and information in the following areas:
- Services to help you remain safe and independent in your own home
- Advice and information on benefits which you might be entitled to
- Voluntary Organisations and Self Help Groups
- Provide contacts of other agencies to help you lead an independent lifestyle
- Daytime activities for the sensory impaired